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번호 제목 파일 작성자 작성일 조회수
101 [류광선교수연구업적] Preparation of argyrodite Li6-2xZnxPS5–xOxCl with improved electrochemical performance and air stability for all-solid- state batteries 관리자 2024-11-13 80
100 [류광선교수연구업적] High ionic conductivity lithium superionic halogen-rich argyrodite synthesized by liquid-phase technique 관리자 2024-11-13 50
99 [류광선교수연구업적] Synthesis of Sb-doped Li10P3S12I solid electrolyte and their electrochemical performance in solid-state batteries 관리자 2024-11-13 41
98 [류광선교수연구업적] Toward Achieving a High Ionic Conducting Halide Solid Electrolyte through Low-Cost Metal (Zr and Fe) and F Substitution and Their Admirable Performance in All-Solid-State Batteries 관리자 2024-11-13 41
97 [류광선교수연구업적] Variation of electrochemical performance of Li2ZrCl6 halide solid electrolyte with Mn substitution for all-solid-state batteries 관리자 2024-11-13 44
96 [류광선교수연구업적] LiTaO3 mixing effects to suppress side reactions at the LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode and Li5.3PS4.3Cl1.7 solid electrolyte of all-solid-state lithium batteries 관리자 2024-11-13 33
95 [류광선교수연구업적] The improvement of electrochemical performance by mixing InF3 in Li5.3PS4.3Cl1.7 solid electrolyte 관리자 2024-11-13 36
94 [류광선교수연구업적] Enhanced lithium dendrite suppression ability through SiO2 substitution in superionic halogen-rich argyrodites and their application in all-solid-state lithium batteries 관리자 2024-11-13 37
93 [류광선교수연구업적] Enhanced lithium dendrite suppression ability through SiO2 substitution in superionic halogen-rich argyrodites and their application in all-solid-state lithium batteries 관리자 2024-11-13 38
92 [이승구교수연구업적] Boosting the electrochemical properties of MoO3/MnFe2O4/MXene for high-performaBoosting the electrochemical properties of MoO3/MnFe2O4/MXene for high-performance supercapacitor applications nce supercapacitor applications 관리자 2024-11-05 72
91 [이승구교수연구실] Energizing the future: Unveiling challenges and prospects in MXene-based piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerators for micro- and nanoscale energy harvesting applications 관리자 2024-11-05 77
90 [이승구교수연구실] Anisotropic Fluorinated-Elastomer-Blended Micro-Dominoes for Wearable Triboelectric Nanogenerators 관리자 2024-11-05 78
89 [이승구교수연구실] Ti3C2Tx-MXene based 2D/3D Ti3C2–TiO2–CuTiO3 heterostructure for enhanced pseudocapacitive performance 관리자 2024-11-05 78
88 [류광선교수연구실]I‑Rich Thioantimonate Argyrodite Glass-Ceramic Electrolyte with High Air Stability and Compatibility with Lithium 관리자 2024-04-19 227
87 [류광선교수연구실]Superior lithium dendrite suppression and air stability of dual Sc and O substituted Li-argyrodites and their enhanced cyclability in Li-batteries 관리자 2024-04-19 211
86 [류광선교수연구실] Optimization of high ionic conducting Br-rich and metal (Sb and Zr) substituted Li-argyrodite and their enhanced air stability and compatibility in lithium batteries 관리자 2024-04-19 194
85 [류광선교수연구실]Optimization of high ionic conducting Br-rich and metal (Sb and Zr) substituted Li-argyrodite and their enhanced air stability and compatibility in lithium batteries 관리자 2024-04-19 199
84 [이민형교수연구실]Ortho-Carborane Decorated Multi-Resonance TADF Emitters: Preserving Local Excited State and High Efficiency in OLEDs 관리자 2024-03-25 290
83 [이승구교수연구실]Programming Anisotropic Functionality of 3D Microdenticles by Staggered-Overlapped and Multilayered Microarchitectures 관리자 2024-02-21 245
82 [이승구교수연구실]Mechanically Robust and Linearly Sensitive Soft Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor for a Wearable Human–Robot Interaction System 관리자 2024-02-21 265