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[류광선 교수연구실] Eva luation of Li6P2S8I solid electrolyte for all solid-sta te lithium ba ttery applications, Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126179
작성자 최** 작성일 2020-08-05 조회수 485



Evaluation of Li6P2S8I solid electrolyte for all solid-state lithium battery applications

Author list

Rajagopal, Rajesh; Ryu, Kwang-Sun

Publication date


Citation information

Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126179



Graphical Abstract





In this work, we prepared an iodine-doped Li3PS4 solid electrolyte by wet ball milling. We added pure iodine to the Li3PS4 solid electrolyte to achieve a novel composite/phase. We optimized the highest ionic conductivity of the composite by changing the iodine concentration and sintering temperature. The selected Li6P2S8I solid electrolyte exhibited the ionic conductivity of 1 10-3 S cm? at room temperature. We used high-power X-ray diffraction to analyse the crystalline nature and find the formation of a new, unknown phase. We studied the surface morphology of the electrolyte by field-emission microscopy. We analysed the surface functional group of the Li6P2S8I solid electrolyte by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and its electrochemical behaviour by cyclic voltammetry, DC polarization, charge-discharge and impedance spectroscopy. The cyclic voltammetry and DC polarization showed that the synthesized Li6P2S8I solid electrolyte is highly stable to Li. The fabricated In/Li6P2S8I /NCM composite 2032-type asymmetric cell exhibited the specific capacity of 135.1 mAh g?nd showed good cycle stability.